Our absolute favorite literary buddies are finally coming to the small screen. Joe R. Lansdale’s “Hap & Leonard” just announced the casting of Michael K. Williams as Leonard. Formerly starring in “The Wire” and “Boardwalk Empire”, Mr. Williams brings a gravitas necessary for the role of Leonard Pine.
Joe R. Lansdale first introduced us to the unlikely best friends Leonard Pine and Hap Collins back in 1990’s Savage Season. Set in East Texas, Leonard, a gay, Vietnam Vet and Hap, who was imprisoned for refusing to serve in the Vietnam War. Together they find their ways into adventure, mystery and horror. As the duo make their way through eleven novels, they become quite the private detectives. Both men approach situations differently, but their friendship triumphs over all.
No announcements have been made as to who will play Hap as of yet. Needless to say, we’re thrilled that this is being created for the Sundance Channel. The series is set to premiere in 2016. Stay tuned for more details.
Leonard Nimoy has passed on due to complications from C.O.P.D. He was 83. While best known for his role a “Spock” on Star Trek, he also had a great five season run on “In Search Of…”, a show that explored the paranormal. One of my personal favorite television shows when I was growing up, Mr. Nimoy narrated the show that presented evidence and explored the mysteries of UFOs, ghosts, the Loch Ness monster, and my favorite, Bigfoot.
Mr. Nimoy also was an accomplished director, having helmed some of the most popular Star Trek movies as well as wider-appeal movies such as “Three Men and a Baby”.
Growing up in Cambridge, Massachusetts, Mr. Nimoy was a local hero who also narrated the introduction to the Museum of Science’s Mugar OmniMax theater. The delight of hearing Mr. Nimoy’s distinctive voice still resonates with me to this day.
Mr. Nimoy did live a long and prosperous life, and will be missed.

Image courtesy of Lady Gaga’s Facebook page
Lady Gaga has been tweeting scary things as of late.After a jaw-dropping performance of a “Sound of Music” medley at the Academy Awards, the singer has announced that she will be joining the cast of “American Horror Story: Hotel”.Normally, we would expect a star like Gaga to have a cameo a la Stevie Nicks.But Lady Gaga looks to be a regular cast member.
Should be interesting, to say the least.
No official word yet on the plot details for “AHS: Hotel”. If I were to go out on a limb, I would say that the story takes place in a shopping mall. Or, more likely, a haberdashery.
Ben Woolf, 34, an actor from the most recent season of “American Horror Story,” died on Monday in Los Angeles.
Mr. Woolf portayed “Meep”, on “American Horror Story: Freak Show.” Meep was known for only being able to say one word.
Los Angeles Police confirmed reports that he had been hit by a car’s side mirror in an accident on Thursday night in Hollywood. According to the website, TMZ, Mr. Woolf was struck in the head by the passing SUV.
Will the Brujeria bring darkness to Constantine, or will NBC? We’ll have to wait to see. According to show co-creator, Daniel Cerone:
FYI, NBC won’t decide on #Constantine renewal until May, after they see their new pilots. That will be time to activate.
So what do you think? Will John Constantine be back? I’m kinda hoping that NBC moves the show to The CW so we can have Arrow/Flash/Constantine crossovers. Just imagine what they could do there.