2015 promises to be a great year in comics, with renewed interest in the media growing – thanks in part to the highly successful films and television. The horror genre in comics is proving to be as rich as ever in terms of creativity and talent. Since “Hellblazer” has evolved into a much less scary “Constantine”, where does one turn for scary graphic novels? Glad you asked. Here are six horror comics we’re really looking forward to in 2015:

Nameless from Image Comics
Nameless #1 (Image)
Written By: Grant Morrison
Art By: Chris Burnham
Art By: Nathan Fairbairn
An astronomer kills his family, then himself, leaving a cryptic warning. A Veiled Lady hunts her victims through human nightmares. An occult hustler known only as “Nameless” is recruited by a consortium of billionaire futurists for a desperate mission. And the malevolent asteroid Xibalba spins closer on a collision course with Earth. But nothing is what it seems—a terrifying inhuman experiment is about to begin. Abandon all hope and experience ultimate horror in NAMELESS.
NAMELESS seems to have everything we love in the disaster genre, with the addition of a John Constantine-like character. Sign us up!

Frankenstein Underground by Dark Horse Comics
Frankenstein Underground #1 (Dark Horse)
Written By: Mike Mignola
Art By: Ben Stenbeck
The Frankenstein creature is alone, abandoned, and wandering underground, where he will discover other strange creatures—and dark secrets to the universe. Even though Mignola will only be drawing the covers, he has proven to be an excellent storyteller and we’re really looking forward to this Frankenstein tale.

Puppet Master from Danger Zone
Puppet Master #1 (Danger Zone)
Written by Shawn Gabborin
Art by Michela Da Sacco
When a group of teens stop by the Bodega Bay Inn, they learn the local legends are both real and deadly.
Call us nostalgic, but we’ve been waiting for a new Puppet Master tale to keep us awake at night. Hopefully Gabborin and Da Sacco will deliver. Looks promising.
The Fly: Outbreak #1 (IDW)
Written by Brandon Seifert
Art by Menton3
Years ago, a scientist had a horrific accident when he tried to use his newly invented teleportation device and became a human/fly hybrid. Now his almost-human son continues to search for a cure for the mutated genes. But a breakthrough turns into a breakout, and anyone exposed risks turning into a monster as well.
If we could get a Jeff Goldblum cameo, all would be right with the world.
Norman (Titan)
by Stan Silas
Norman is a typical eight-year-old, living in a little old house with his zombie uncle. A fan of horror movies, he seeks to recreate his favourite scenes starring his heroes: Freddy Krugger, Jason Vorhees and Michael Myers. As his next victims, Norman chooses his classmates, the new boy, Jeremy, and the local rich girl, Grace. As they join the ranks of the local missing children, Norman has to work hard to avoid discovery.
Silas is obviously a disturbed writer, coming up with such a horrific premise. But yeah, we’ll check it out.
Archie Vs. Predator #1 (Dark Horse)
Written by Alex de Campi
Art by Fernando Ruiz
America’s favorite teen meets the galaxy’s fiercest hunter! Archie and friends hit Costa Rica for Spring Break, where party games and beach games are soon replaced by the Most Dangerous Game! What mysterious attraction does the gang hold for the trophy-collecting Predator, and will the kids even realize they’re in danger before it claims them all?
We’re massive fans of “Afterlife With Archie”. This title looks utterly insane and probably won’t hold much in the way of chills and thrills. But are we on board for this one? You bet.
Which horror comics are you looking forward to in 2015? Let us know in the comments below!